FERTILAGRO is a Spanish company developer and manufacturer of natural plant nutritional and plant protection products.


FERTILAGRO is a young company which management, technical, sales, and marketing  staff, benefit from large experience in the crop management. This allow us to be a reference in Spain, and other countries , sharing our know how with distributors, technicians and, definitely, growers whose satisfaction is our aim.


FERTILAGRO taking into account the said “Nature is Wise”, focus on the natural and environmental friendly raw material sources, to set up an ecological and biological product range suitable and highly recommended for use in organic  farming. This was certified by different word wide well known organisms such ECOCERT, OMRI, CERES, BSC…etc.



FERTILAGRO is now immersed, through its R&D department, investigating new products with the basic aim to fit the Integrated Pest Management (IPM)  and Integrated Crop Management (ICM) needs. This is opening to us new horizon for the Zero Residue products, among all the plant protection range.


FERTILAGRO is proud  and optimist about next generation crop care products range we develop,  and our daily work is determined to be one of the best company in this field and we are happy to know it is possible to share with you our knowledge.


Leonardite Natural Extracts.


A solution of humic substances for use in irrigation enhancing the soil characteristics. It increases the assimilation of mineral nutrients, improves the soil structure, its water-retaining capacity and fertility. It forms complexes with microelements, preventing deficiency problems, it stimulates root formation and increases crop productivity.



Solid Humic substances from Leonardite with a high concentration and totally soluble. It enhances the assimilation of mineral nutrients, improves the soil structure, its water-retaining capacity and fertility. It forms complexes with micronutrients, preventing deficiency problems as well as stimulating root formation and increasing crop productivity.

Natural Organic Matter.



There are many positive effects on crops of the key element of this family, “Organic Acids" witch origin is 100% plant extracts; basically as an excellent root enhancer thanks to its power to stimulate the production of root fine hairs.

Indeed, its application stimulates various metabolic processes in plants, such as synthesis of protein and chlorophyll, the enzymatic activity, cell division and elongation, respiration and increasing the permeability of cell membranes. In addition, Fulvic Acids contribute to the stability of pH of the root zone, stimulates microbial nitrification, in addition to its buffer effect against pollutants mainly chemical pesticides.

Fulvic Acids are considered as the most active proportion of humus, thanks to its perfect solubility in acidic neutral and alkaline solutions, contrary to Humic Acids only soluble alkaline solutions, this lead, for example, precipitation of calcium in their presence, contrary to what would happen with Fulvic acid.

The FULVIC Family also contains organic natural nitrogen and other macro elements. By improving the soil structure this products range contributes to mineralization processes, encouraging the formation of stable humus as well as improving the use made of fertilizers, increasing the solubility of micro and macronutrients.




The amino acids requirements by plants are distributed throughout its life cycle. Indeed, they are essential for seed germination since the embryo consumes amino acids in proteins stored in the endosperm. For subsequent phases of culture, these bio-activators promote the synthesis of enzymes, proteins associated with cell membranes, of phytohormones and physiological processes regulators of the plant such as auxins, ethylene, the citoquinines…etc. Moreover, amino acids are involved in regulating the water balance in plants, especially where they are subjected to stress conditions of all kinds. Also, as chelating agents, molecules necessary for the development of the plant, among other functions.

This ALFAMIN family of bio-activators products is specifically designed and adapted for nutrition, stimulation and growth of plants, reason why we advocate early application of these products at first developing stages of crops. For all products, the origin of raw materials and the method of extraction was the subject of special attention, since they determine about the quality of final products and their suitability for different agricultural production systems.

Deficiency Correctors

Natural Seaweed Extracts.

Seaweed extracts and seaweed products

Rich in assets, proteins, peptides, amino acids, Phytohormones, vitamins, polysaccharides and minerals, all essential components of cells. The nutritional balance of our products allows the plant to respond to stimulation of algae extracts, basic components of this family.









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